SleepStats 4 Base version for rats or mice is our latest upgrade, featuring a compact interface for characterizing and viewing sleep-wake behavior patterns from data created by PiezoSleep. It also includes an expanded set of CSV export functions and options to overlay/export information from our environmental sensor, which records light level, temperature, pressure and humidity values in the recording environment.
This is a premium version and requires an activation code to run the software. Contact Signal Solutions if you are interested in upgrading from SleepStats 2.x or need to install a copy on an additional PC.
For customers who already have SleepStats 4 Base, a link to download the install script for the latest update is found below. If a validated version is already installed on your computer, the install script below will automatically update and validate the program. If this is a new installation or on new computer, an activation code will need to be entered when the program is first run after the installation.
Download, unzip, and run the executable.
Want to learn more? Click to watch SleepStats 4 Base & Lite video. The manual for the full version of SleepStats 4 can be found here